Saturday, February 14, 2009

Paxson, stay or go?

As many have heard, there are rumors swirling around that John Paxson is going to step down as the Bulls GM. I'm having a lot of trouble deciding whether or not that would be good for the Bulls. I think the biggest question is if he were to stay, would the Bulls continue with their underachieving or will he be able to right the ship and get things turned around?
I'm leaning toward thinking that it wouldn't be a bad idea if he were to step down. Like I said, the biggest question in my book is what are the pros and cons of him staying or leaving. I'm having trouble figuring out many pros if he were to stay. The possible cons if he were to stay would be the continuance of the inability to pull the trigger on trades that would help the team. I don't even want to get started at all of the missed opportunities the Bulls have had with trades. He also hasn't picked or signed anyone yet that has proven to be a go-to scorer or a leader of the team. Maybe Derrick Rose can fall into that role, but besides him, Paxson has signed a lot of middle-of-the road "stars."
If he were to step down, I don't really see many cons. Honestly, I don't know if it can get much worse than it is right now. So what's the worst that could happen if he were to step down? Someone would come in and actually put together a squad that can compete for a championship instead of competing for the last spot in the playoffs in the Eastern Conference. That doesn't sound too bad to me.
I like John Paxson a lot. He is just making it very difficult to embrace him as the GM for the Bulls because really, he hasn't done much to show that he has done a good job. Yea, he chose Derrick Rose as the first overall pick. A) I would have done that if I were the Bulls GM too, and B) Paxson was the luckiest guy on the planet when the Bulls got the first overall draft pick.
I know there are a lot of arguments about this and many different view points. Feel free to leave some thoughts if you feel so inclined.

1 comment:

  1. It's time for Pax to go. He has simply made too many errors in his tenure (Ben Wallace, passing on Kobe, KG, Vinny Del Negro). If not for getting Rose, he would have been gone much earlier

